About Us
- The rest of the world is evolving, but what about your health care?
The current healthcare system needs a serious upgrade and you shouldn’t have to wait around for it. After our own personal experiences and what we observed in school, we decided we’re not going to wait either!
- The mision
Our mission is simple. To build a strong community with same goal. This mean by heaving free pain movement first, and then, build a strong‚ mobile body and healthy state of mind.
We think the human body is the most advance machine and most adaptable species on the planet, therefor we can jump, pull, push, throw and run.
With this 5 movements, JUMP, PULL, PUSH, THROWING and RUNNING, we literally can threat any pain in our body. If you learn what it takes to precisely execute these five movements, the benefits will transfer to literally every other movement you can do. Standing, walking, carry your groceries, jumping and playing with your kids.
What we do
Radu Vlad Conea
Head Coach and Owner
We trust him because
- Graduated from the U.B.B University of Physical Education and Sport, Physiotherapy section, Specialization in Motor Recovery
- Master's degree graduate ‘Nutrition and life quality – UMF Cluj-Napoca’
- Graduate of the course ‘Personal trainer level 1, Fitness Scandinavia’
- Graduate of the course ‘Personal trainer level 2, Fitness Scandinavia’
- Graduate of the course ‘Technician Nutritionist, Fitness Scandinavia’
- Graduate of the course ‘Postural Alignment Romania’
- Graduate of the course "Myofascial release, Physio Sport Academy"
- Graduate of the course de ‘Trigger Point Therapy, Physio Sport Academy’
- Certified therapist Level I and II, Neurokinetic Therapy, USA